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Главная » Статьи » По предмету » Учителю иностранного языка

внеклассное мероприятие
Сценарий сказки на английском языке
Персонажи: коза, 7 козлят, волк , ведущий
Ведущий: Здравствуйте! Мы рады вам представить короткую сценку на английском языку «Thewolfandsevengoats», «Волк и семеро козлят»
Once up a time there was a goat. She had seven kids, and loved them all.
One day she wanted to go into the woods to get some food. So she called all seven to her and said:
Children, dear. I am going into the woods. Be on your guard for the wolf. Don’t open the door, if the wolf comes. (kisses)
2-й козленок:
Mother, dear, we will take care of ourselves. You can go away without any worries. We shall not open the door to the wolf!
Thank you, my dear kids! Goodbye!
Мать уходит.
Then the goat went on her way.
1-й козленок:
I am sad when my mother went out. (плачет)
Don’tcry! Lets play, sing songs, recite poems, guess riddles!

3 козленок:
Good morning friends. Can we play with you too?
6 -козленок:
Yes? Come in, please

7-й козленок:
First, let's sing a song “Clap your hands together” ()

Clap your hands, clap your hands,
Listen to the music and clap Your hands
Turn around, turn around,
Listen to the music and turn around.
Jump up high, jump up high,
Listen to the music and jump up high.
Wave your hand, wave your hand,
Listen to the music and wave your hand.

3-й козленок:
Now let's recite the poems. I shall be the first.

1.Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is whit
4-й козленок:
Cock is happy,
Fox is sad.
Cat is pretty,
Wolf is bad.
5-й козленок:
My dear, dear Mommy,
I love you so much.
I want you to be happy
On the 8th of March.
6-й козленок:
I have a pig.
Not very little,
Not very big.
Not very pink,
Not very green.
Not very dirty,
Not very clean.

7- козленок:
Some families are large.
Some families are small.
But I love my family
Best of all!
1- козленок:
I have two eyes to see with,
I have two feet to run,
I have two hands to wave with,
And nose I have but one.

2-й козленок:
Friends, listen to my riddles, please.
Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not ice-cream,
What is it? (Sugar)

1-й козленок:
And my riddle.
It is white. It is cold. It is sweet.
Children like it very much (ice- cream)

3- козленок:
His face is round. His eyes are blue. He has a long nose.
He has got a father, but he hasn’t a mother. Who is he?

Ведущий: (a music)
Soon the wolf comes up to the goat’s house.
Here is the house where goats live. I’ll; knock at the door (стучит)
Openthe door, dear, your mother is here, and has brought something for each one of you. Please open the door!
We will not open the door.
You are not our mother.
She has a soft and gentle voice, but your voice is rough.
She is clever and kind.
She is polite and careful.
Our mother is good.
Our mother does not have a black food like you.
You silly kids!
Ведущий: (music)
The wolf goes away.
Soon afterward the goat came from the woods and knock at the door.
1-йкозленок :
Who is it? It’sawolf!
You are wolf! We will not open the door!
Where is our mother? (плачет)
Don’tbeafraid!We’ll not open the door to the wolf!
Its me, mother! Please, open the door!
Itsourmother!It’s our mother!
Din-don! I am your mother! I am your mother! Open the door
Din-don! I am you mother! I am you mother! Hereismyhome!
6-й kозленок:
My mother, the wolf came to our home! We didn’t open the door!
Its ok. You are very good children! Iloveyou! It is very good that you are not afraid of the Wolf. There are many wolves in the world, but if we all together, we shall win!
5-й козленок:
Mother is the dearest,
2-й козленок:
Of all the friends we know,
7-й козленок:
She helps us work and helps us play,
6-й козленок:
That’s why we love her so.

The more we are together
Together, together
The more we are together
The happier are
For my friend is your friend
And your friend is my friend
The more we are together
The happier we are
The more we sing together
Together, together
The more we sing together
The happier we are
For his friend is my friend
And my friend is his friend
The more we play together
The happier we are

The more we dance together
Together, together
The more we dance together
The happier we are
For our friends are their friends
And their friends are our friends
The more we dance together
The happier we are
The more we dance together
The happier we ar
Категория: Учителю иностранного языка | Добавил: папа (26 Сен 2015)
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07 Янв 2025

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