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Главная » Статьи » По предмету » Учителю иностранного языка

текст по английскому языку(THE BRITISH PRESS)
Probably in no other country are there such great differences between the various national daily newspapers — in the type of news they report and the way they report it.
On the one hand, there are the "quality" newspapers: The Times, The Independent, The Guardian, the Financial Times and The Daily Telegraph. These concern themselves, as far as possible, with factual reports of major national and international events, with the world of politics and business and with the arts and sport.
On the other hand, there are the "populars" and "tabloids," so-called because of their smaller size. The tabloids — the most widely read of which are The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, the Daily Mirror, The Sun and The Daily Star — concentrate on more emotive reporting of stories often featuring sex, violence, the Royal Family, film and pop stars, and sport. It's often said that the popular press aims to entertain its readers rather than inform them.
The tabloid press is much more popular than the quality press.
In some countries, newspapers are owned by government or by political parties. This is not the case in Britain. Newspapers here are mostly owned by individuals or by publishing companies, and the editors of the papers are usually allowed considerate freedom of expression. This is not to say that newspapers are without political bias. Papers like The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Express and
The Sun, for example, usually reflect Conservative opinions in their comment and reporting, while the Daily Mirror and The Guardian have a more left-wing bias.
In addition to the 12 national daily newspapers there are nine national papers which are published on Sundays. Most of the "Sundays" contain more reading matter than daily papers, and several of them also include "colour supplements" — separate colour magazines which contain photographicallyillustrated feature articles. Reading a Sunday paper, like having a big Sunday
lunch, is an important tradition in many British households.
Besides, nearly every area in Britain has one or more local newspapers.
The British are one of the biggest newspaper-reading nations in the world.

The Times [taimz] the Financial Times [fai,naenfl 'taimz]
The Independent [indi'pendant] The Daily Telegraph [,deili 'teligraif]
The Gardian ['ga:djan] The Daily Mail ['deili 'meil]
The Daily Express [,deili iks'pres]
the Daily Mirror [,deili 'mira]
The Daily Star [,deili 'sta:]
The Sun [влп]

various ['vearias] различный, разнообразный
national ['naejnl] национальный, государственный
daily ['deili] ежедневный
to report [ri'port] сообщать, писать, печатать
on the one hand с одной стороны
"quality" ['kwoliti] newspapers пресса "высокого
качества" (для бизнесменов, политиков и т.д),
газеты полного формата
to concern [kan'satn] oneself with заниматься,
factual ['faektjual] фактический, основанный на
major ['meidja] главный, основной
international [jnta'naejnl] международный
politics ['politiks] политика, политические взгляды,
on the other hand с другой стороны
"popular" [popjula] газета для широкой публики
"tabloid" ['taebloid] малоформатная газета со сжа-
тым текстом и большим количеством иллюстра-
ций; бульварная пресса
to concentrate ['konsantreit] on сосредоточиваться на
emotive [i'mautiv] reporting эмоциональная подача
to feature ['fi:tja] помещать в газете (на видном
violence [vaialans] насилие
royal ['roial] family королевская семья
it's often said часто говорят
to aim стремиться
to entertain [.enta'tein] rather than inform скорее
развлекать, чем информировать
to own [aim] владеть
This is not the case in Britain. He так обстоит
дело в Британии.
individual [jndi'vidjual] личность, индивидуум,
частное лицо
publishing company ['клтрэп!] издательство
editor ['edita] редактор
to allow [a'lau] разрешать, предоставлять
considerate [kan'sidarit] freedom значительная
bias f'baias] предубежденность, пристрастие, уклон
to reflect [ri'flekt] отражать
conservative [kan'saivativ] консервативный
comment f'koment] комментарий
left-wing левый
in addition to кроме, помимо
"Sundays" газеты, публикуемые по выходным
matter ['maeta] материал
supplement ['SAplimant] приложение
feature article ['fi:tjer 'a.-tikl] большая статья в газете
(посвященная какой-либо одной теме), очерк
household ['haushauld] семья; люди, живущие в
одном доме
local f'laukl] местный

1. What "quality" newspapers do you know?
2. What do they concern themselves with?
3. What does a "tabloid" mean?
4. What "popular" newspapers do you know?
5. It's often said that the aim of the popular press is to entertain its readers rather than inform them. What kind of materials do these newspapers concentrate on?
6. Are "quality" papers more popular than "tabloids"?
7. In some countries, newspapers are owned by government or by political parties. What about Britain?
8. What's the difference between daily newspapers and "Sundays"?
9. What does a "colour supplement" mean?
10. Are the British one of the biggest newspaper-reading nations in the world?
Категория: Учителю иностранного языка | Добавил: pepsikola (01 Мар 2012)
Просмотров: 3370 | Теги: языку(THE, по, текст, английскому, British, Press) | Рейтинг: 1.0/ 13 Оштрафовать | Жаловаться на материал
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