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William Shakespeare.
Theme: William Shakespeare.
The aim:1. Білімділік! Жаңа сөздерді енгізе отырып, William Shakespeare –ның өмірі мен шығармашылығы жайында оқып білу. Оқушылардың өз ойларын талдай білуге үйрету.
2. Дамытушылық: Оқушылардың сөйлеу және шығармашылық ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту.
Ағылшын жазушылары туралы ізденімпаздыққа баулу.
3. Оқушылардың тілге деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру, комьпютермен жұмыс кезінде ұқыптылыққа тәрбиелеу.

Саб. Типі: Меңгеру сабағы.

Саб. Формасы: ұжымдық, жеке.

Көрнекіліктер: picture of William Shakespeare, placard, pictures.

Сабақта қолданылатын әдіс: сұрақ – жауап, түсіндіру әдісі.
The plan of the lesson.
L Org. Moment.
T. Who is on duty today ?
P1 l am.
T: Who is absent today ?
P1: all are present.
T: What is the day ?
P3: The day is Tuesday.
T: What season is it now ?
P4: it is spring.
T: What season is it now ?
P4: it is spring.
T: What is the weather like today ?
P5: The weather is fine, it” s clear and warm.
T: What subject are you study ?
P6: English.
T: Do you like English ?
P7: Yes, l do.

II The theme of our lesson is William Shakespeare. The aim of the lesson is speaking about his birthplace, family and work.
Do you understand me ? I f you understand me we shall deign. Our lesson. Will de questions. You will answer the questions.
1st lever, 1st task.
Do you know William Shakespeare ?
Who was he ?
2. When was he born?
3. Where did he live ?
4. What can you say about his family ?
5. Have you read his plays, sonnets ?
6. What was about his plays, sonnets ?
III 2nd task.
The second task of our lesson will be reading. Turn on your computers. And here you can see short topics about William. At first read, then be ready for the retelling, please.
I give you 3 minutes.
Are you ready ? If you are ready, please, speak about Shakespeare” s Mother” s house, his
Birthplace, his School, his house.
The Holy Trinity Church, his monument.
Thank you.
IV. 3rd task
The 3rd task of our lesson will be test.
I give you 5 minutes. Begin, please!
1 Shakespeare’ s father was ----------.
a. a clock – maker
b. a glove – maker
c. a farmer.
2.W. Shakespeare went to -------------- in Stratford.
a. a grammar School.
b. a primary School.
c. a college.
3. In ------ Shakespeare went to work in London, leaving Anne and the children home.
a. 1564.
b. 1582.
c. 1587.
4. William wrote plays for the new ---------- Theatre.
a. Globe.
b. Rose.
c. Fortune.
5. Shakespeare lived in Stratford the last ------------ years of his life.
a. 4
b. 3
c. 5
6. The Globe built by -------.
a. peter Smith.
b. Edward Allen.
c. William.
7. William was ------ of eight children.
a. the third.
b. the eldest.
c. small.
8. In ------- he stopped writing and went to live in Stratford where he died.
a. 1613
9. What is about the story “The actors come to Town”
a. love
b. girls
c. his friend Toby
10. Shakespeare make up words as you can
Have you finished?
V. 2nd level’s
1st task. Will be a dialogue.
Listen, please, To our lesson come tourists. They are from Kazakhstan. And they interested to know about William. You are guides and answer to their questions, please.
VI. The next task of our lesson will be sonnets.
Turn on your computers and listen to the sonnet, please.


As an unperfect actor on the stage
Who with his fear is put besides his part,
Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage.
Whose strength’s abundance weakens his own heart,
So, for fear of trust, forget to say
The prefect ceremony of love’s rite,
And in mine own love’s strength seem to decay.
O’er – charged with burhen of mine own love’s might.

What is about this sonnet?
Do you like it?

VII. Tne 3rd level’s, 1st task will be a short composition. What do you know and learn our lesson? Please, write, if it is clear for you. I give you two minutes. Have you finished? If you have finished, begin read please.
Thank you…
VIII. H/task: Find William’s plays. Read the text: “The actors come to town”
Категория: Отрытые уроки | Добавил: Anica (20 Мар 2012)
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05 Май 2024

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