Пятница, 26 Апр 2024, 05:35
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текст по английскому языку( HOW I WENT SHOPPING)
One day my friend Nick and I decided to go shopping. I took my salary and Nick took his father's salary. Nick needed some new clothes badly. There are a lot of shops, supermarkets and department stores in the centre of the city, so we decided to go through some of them.
The first shop on our way was a large supermarket. The choice of goods was very impressive. It seemed to us that on the counters and shelves there was everything one could want. We could see sausages of different kinds, fish, meat, poultry. At the bakery there was bread, rolls, buscuits. At the dairy department there was milk, cream, cheese, butter. Everything was nicely packed and when we came to the cashier our baskets were full.
Then we went to the department store which was right across the street.
Nick and I are fond of computers and video and hi-fi equipment, so we couldn't go past our favourite department. There were a lot of computers, video cassette recorders, TV sets, hi-fi centres and tape recorders. Nick bought three new CDs and I bought two video cassettes.
And then, at last, we found the men's clothing department. There were a lot of suits, trousers, jackets, shirts and many other things. Nick needed a suit because he was going to the theatre with his girlfriend and her parents to see Pygmalion. As you probably remember, Nick is very tall and slim. So it's always difficult to find clothes that would suit him perfectly.
The shop assistant asked Nick's size and offered him a nice suit. But when Nick tried it on I couldn't help laughing. The jacket was too big for him and the trousers were too short. He looked so funny! The shop assistant thought for a moment and then suggested that Nick should try on some jackets and some trousers separately. An hour later Nick looked like an English gentleman. The pinstriped jacket matched the black trousers perfectly. The shop assistant also showed Nick a wonderful tie and he immediately agreed to buy it.
We had to go home by taxi because our bags were so huge that we could hardly lift them. We came home completely broke but happy.

to go shopping ходить по магазинам
salary ['saelari] зарплата
to need badly очень нуждаться
supermarket ['su:pa,ma:kit] универсам
department store [di'pa-.tmant sto:] универмаг
to go through [0ru:] зд. пройтись
on one's way по дороге, на пути
choice [tfois] выбор
impressive [im'presiv] впечатляющий
counter ['kaunta] прилавок
sausage [-sosid3] колбаса
poultry ['pauttri] птица
bakery ['beikari] хлебный отдел
roll [raul] булочка
biscuits ['biskits] печенье
dairy ['deari] молочные продукты
cream [kri:m] сливки
nicely packed красиво упакованный
cashier [kse'Jie] кассир
basket ['ba:skit] корзина
right across the street прямо через дорогу
video equipment [i'kwipmant] видео-аппаратура
hi-fi [,hai'fai] equipment аудио-аппаратура
to go past пройти мимо
men's clothing department отдел мужской
suit [su:t / sju:t] костюм
slim стройный
to suit perfectly быть впору, прекрасно подходить
size размер
to try on примерять
I couldn't help laughing Я не мог не рассмеяться
to suggest [sa'd3est] предлагать
separately ['sepratli] отдельно
gentleman ['d3entlmen] джентльмен
pin-striped ['pinstraipt] jacket пиджак в тонкую
to match соответствовать, подходить, сочетаться
immediately [i'mi:diatli] сразу же, немедленно
huge [hju:d3] огромный
hardly едва, с трудом
to lift поднимать
completely [kam'pli:tli] совершенно
broke [brauk] без денег

1. Who does the shopping in your family?
2. How often do you go shopping?
3. Do you prefer to go shopping on weekdays or at the weekend?
4. Do you like to go to small shops or to big department stores and supermarkets?
5. Which do you think is the most convenient time for shopping?
6. Some people are fond of window-shopping (разглядывание витрин). Can you say that you belong to such people?
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of big supermarkets?
8. When did you last go shopping? What did you buy?

Категория: Учителю иностранного языка | Добавил: pepsikola (01 Мар 2012)
Просмотров: 5837 | Теги: SHOPPING), английскому, Went, How, языку(, по, текст | Рейтинг: 1.0/ 16 Оштрафовать | Жаловаться на материал
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26 Апр 2024

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